CBP-1008 Phase Ib Clinical Trial Investigator Meeting successfully held in Beijing

On December 20, 2020, CBP-1008 Phase Ib trial investigator meeting was held in Beijing, during which heated discussions on clinical trial protocols eventually concluded in a consensus, laying a sound foundation for clinical trials to be carried out as a follow-up step. 

December 20, 2020 saw the convocation of CBP-1008 Phase Ib trial investigator meeting organized by Coherent BioPharma (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. in Beijing. Investigators present the meeting included Prof. Shenlin at Beijing Cancer Hospital, Prof. Hu Xichun at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Prof. Li Ning at Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as investigators from 14 centers respectively specializing in gastrointestinal oncology, breast cancer and gynecological oncology. Chair of Board of Directors, Dr. Huang Baohua, attended the meeting together with CMO Teng Yan, CSO Tan Wei, COO Shao Jun and the clinical team.

Chair of Board of Directors, Dr. Huang Baohua, CMO Ms. Teng Yan, Prof. Shen Lin at Beijing Cancer Hospital and Prof. Hu Xichun at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center successively spoke on behalf of the sponsor and the investigation centers on the background and purpose of the investigator meeting, emphasizing the objective and significance, the overall situation and requirements for compliance of the clinical trial. 

CSO Dr. Tan Wei followed with a presentation on the pre-clinical facts of CBP-1008 while the clinical team elaborated the clinical trial protocol including the purpose of research, proposal design, inclusion/exclusion criteria, study procedure, study plan, etc. Experts from various investigation centers were engaged in an active discussion on the clinical trial protocol until a consensus was reached, laying a solid foundation for clinical trials in the next step.

A group photo of all attendees was taken as the meeting closed in a complete success.