CBP-1018 Approved by NMPA for Clinical Trials

On November 4, 2020, Notice on Approval for Drug Clinical Trial was issued by NMPA for CBP-1018, the second bi-engaging ligand-mediated selective targeting drug conjugate developed by Coherent Biopharma. 

CBP-1018 injection is the second product on the same track developed on Coherent Biopharma’s BESTTM technology platform, which differentiates itself from CBP-1008 in indications as a result of a differentiated design based on the first product, CBP-1008.

CBP-1018 injection was accepted by CDE on September 1, 2020, followed by the issuance of notice on approval for drug clinical trial on November 4. The drug shall be used for treatment of metastasis or recurrence of solid tumors such as lung cancer or urinary system tumors where expression of two specific receptors is found. 

This marks sustained deliverables from BESTTM technology platform of Coherent Biopharma, with composites being actively incubated in the 2nd and 3rd tracks.