Coherent Biopharma Inks Strategic Partnership Agreement with Roche Diagnostics

On March 25, 2021, Coherent Biopharma (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Coherent Biopharma”) and Roche Diagnostics China (hereinafter referred to as “Roche Diagnostics”) inked a strategic partnership agreement on global R&D initiatives, announcing in-depth cooperation in R&D in companion diagnostics (CDx) of tumor drugs and jointly facilitate the development of more innovative drugs for the benefit of patients in China and worldwide.

In recent years, with the policy support and guidance of Big Health 2030, local innovative pharmaceutical companies have blazed a remarkable trail in key breakthroughs in cancer treatment while showing strong momentum in drug R&D; meanwhile, continual updates in CDx policies by local and global drug evaluation authorities have increasingly brought the importance of CDx in drug development to the limelight.

According to Dr. Huang Baohua, Chair and GM of Coherent Biopharma, “Coherent Biopharma is a pharmaceutical company based in China with a global vision, dedicated to the R&D of new generation tumor drugs. Our strategic cooperation with Roche Diagnostics is ‘might redoubled’-as the global leadership in CDx development and experience in registration of Roche Diagnostics will provide strong support in precision laboratory test in the clinical trials of bi-engaging ligand drug conjugates, a unique innovation of Coherent Biopharma. Our cooperation will accelerate the R&D and industrialization of cancer drugs and companion diagnostics reagents, and we expect to offer more precise integrated diagnostics-treatment plans for cancer patients in the near future.”

“Roche Diagnostics adheres to the concept of ‘Global footprint and in-depth engagement in China’. Together with local pharmaceutical companies, we look forward to shaping the future with open cooperation and precise empowerment leveraging on our global leadership in experience and technologies while committed to inclusiveness, collaboration and winning together, which is the ambition of Roche Diagnostics in China and developing with China. As a local pharmaceutical company, Coherent Biopharma is a pioneer in innovation; its cancer drug R&D promising great potentials for cooperation with Roche Diagnostics’ CDx pipeline. I hope this strategic partnership will effectively contribute to shaping an ecosystem of integrated diagnostics and treatment of diseases in China, while accelerating the R&D of innovative cancer drugs and CDx to benefit patients in China as soon as possible.” said Yao Guoliang, GM of Roche Diagnostics China.

It is understood that the strategic partnership between Roche Diagnostics and Coherent Biopharma expands from complementary advantages and technological exchange in R&D of prospective technologies to joint endeavors in accelerating the development of innovative drugs and building integrated solutions of precision cancer diagnostics and treatment, addressing every link in corporate-level exchange and product R&D, which does not only mean a strategic integration and exploration between multinational and local pharmaceutical companies but also drives further development of precision diagnostics and treatment of cancer in China. It is expected that the cooperation will add momentum to the R&D of more local pharmaceutical innovations in China for the wellbeing of patients with reduced time-to-market.